Official Website of Nottingham Forest Football Club



Nottingham Forest Football Club has developed a series of policies to direct how the club operates. We have an overarching sustainability policy that covers our management systems and environmental and social impact. This is supported by specific policies on energy and water efficiency, sustainable transport and guidance on responsible and ethical procurement to be adopted across its supply chain.

We are working with external consultants to develop our long-term sustainability strategy and define our most significant environmental and social impacts, targets for reduction and associated plans for achieving our targets.  

We encourage all supporters to make positive changes on a matchday at the City Ground, and in their daily lives.

Our Commitment

Net Zero Targets

The club has publicly reported its Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions for the first time. The club has begun the process to becoming a signature to the UN Sports for Climate Action Framework. By joining the Sports for Climate Action Framework, organisations commit to supporting its overarching mission to help drive the sports sector to net-zero emissions by mid-century, in line with a 1.5°C pathway. Organisations also commit to the Framework’s various principles and values related to collaboration, education and advocacy for climate action.

Scope 1, 2, & 3

Emissions Scope and Scope 3 Category
GHG Emissions (tCO2e)
Scope 1
326 271
Gas 271 171
Transport (excluding grey fleet) 55 101
Scope 2
311 329
Electricity 311 329
Scope 3
5,423 11,822
1: Purchased Goods and Services 1,107 1,937
2. Capital goods 347 1,312
3. Fuel-related emissions Not reported Not reported
4. Upstream Transportation and Distribution Not reported Not reported
5. Waste generated in operations 58 126
6. Business travel 3,910 8,446
7. Employee commuting Not reported Not reported
8. Upstream leased assets Not reported Not reported
9. Downstream Transportation and Distribution (Fan travel to matches) Not reported Not reported
10. Processing of sold products Not reported Not reported
11. Use of sold products Not reported Not reported
12. End of life treatment of sold products Not reported Not reported
13. Downstream leased assets Not reported Not reported
14. Franchises Not reported Not reported
15. Investments Not reported Not reported

 * Scope 1 and 2 figures are based on metered data and purchased fuel for leased vehicles. Our Scope 3 emissions is a partial disclosure, calculated from financial data. We have clearly identified those Scope 3 emissions that we have not included in our footprint. These will be quantified in future reporting years.

Scope 1
326 271
Scope 2
311 329
636 601
% reduction


EON: Official Sustainability Partner

Nottingham Forest are proud to be working with E.ON since the 2021/22 season, and continue our collaboration to raise awareness of energy solutions and help to create a greener and more sustainable energy future by encouraging people to take climate action

Over the course of the season, E.ON will continue several innovative projects championing the commitment to tackling climate change and supporting the club's ambitions to reduce carbon emissions and reach net zero.

    Together we're planting a forest

    In October 2023, E.ON partnered with the Treekly app by turning footsteps into forests. For each day of 5,000 steps tracked by the Treekly community, E.ON committed to planting a tree.

  • 504 million steps walked in October.

    10 times walked around the world.

    37,170 mangrove trees planted in Kenya.

    9,600 tonnes of carbon offset.

    Continuing our collaboration, E.ON committed to planting an extra tree for every 5,000 steps the men’s and women’s teams tracked and completed in training during October 2023.

Forest Fan Zone

The new climate-positive, energy generating Fan Zone - suppoted by E.ON - opened its doors for the first time at Forest’s home fixture against Everton on Saturday 2nd December 2023.

The site will feature solar panels which are expected to generate and store around 12,000kWh of energy every year, comfortably delivering more power than is required to run the facility and saving an estimated 2,472 kg of CO2 each year. An on-site solar battery storage unit will capture the sun’s energy on days the Fan Zone is not open.

Repurposed containers house a host of local street food vendors and bars, delivering refreshments in ‘ONE Planet ONE Chance’ reusable cups from Event Cup Solutions, a ClimatePartner certified company. Biodiversity planting in the Fan Zone, together with the use of recycled timber fencing and planters further bolster the green credentials of the site.

Waste Management

The club underwent a detailed waste management review, and external audit to address concerns around waste management. New bins have been rolled out across club sites, including: food waste, general waste, green waste, mixed glass, and mixed recycling. A quarter of waste during the first four months of the new contract was 25% mixed recycling.  

During this time 100% of waste from club sites was diverted from landfill, and the club is extremely proud of this achievement.

The breakdown of waste from club sites was: 2% AD, 5% Composting, 31% recycled, and 62% RDF waste to energy (October 2023-January 2024). No waste went to landfill.

How can you make a difference?

  • Switch your home to renewable electricity and green gas.
  • Save money and energy by turning your thermostat by 1°C, turn your devices off at the plug and use the cold wash on your washing machine.
  • Avoid single use plastics where you can – take a refillable bottle with you.
  • Reduce the amount of waste you produce, and recycle what you create.
  • Reduce your use of water.
  • Go vegetarian for a couple of days a week – we’re increasing the vegetarian and vegan offer on match days to help.
  • Travel to the City Ground using the bus or the tram, or better still walk!

our commitment to catering

  • Our Coffee, Hot Chocolate, Sugar and Bananas are Fair-Trade certified
  • Leftover food from our matchdays is donated back into the community via OLIO
  • No plastic straws, single use cups, cutlery, stirrers or sauce sachets within the venue
  • Our cooking oil is recycled
  • We only source MSC 1 – 3 or ASC assured fish supporting sustainable fishing practices
  • Our menus are seasonal utilising in season produce
  • We prioritise fruit and vegetables from the UK
  • Our red meat is sourced from UK&I

Supporters who travel to the City Ground for a first team competitive fixture will receive 10% off in store on display of a valid ticket for a method of public transport. Thanks for doing your bit!

Our Policies

Sustainability Policy

Sustainable Transport Policy

Water Policy

Biodiversity Policy

Sustainable Procurement Policy