1. Visit https://www.eticketing.co.uk/nottinghamforest/, signing into your account by clicking the profile icon in the top right corner.

2. Sign into your account using your login details. After inputting your email address and password, click “Log In”

3. Once signed in, click the “Online Ticket Office” option at the top of the page, and then click “All Online Ticketing”

4. On the next page, click “Click Here” on the fixture you are eligible to purchase tickets for

Ambulant Disabled

(Wheelchair User guide – please scroll down)

If you are a non-wheelchair user supporter, you will see the below

5. You now need to specify the number of tickets you wish to purchase, which includes the Disabled Companion. This is done by clicking the plus icon next to “Number required”

6. Once you have specified the number of tickets, click the Block you wish to purchase in

7. Click the seats you would like to purchase, where you will then be given the pricing options, select the one relevant to you, where you can then click “Add” to select the seat and add it to your basket

8. You then need to select the seat next to it, once you click this, you will again be given the pricing options. For the complimentary Disabled Companion ticket, you can select “Disabled Companion”. You can then click “Add” to select the seat and add it to your basket

9. The tickets will then be added to your basket, where you must then click the white basket icon in the top right

10. You will then see the tickets in your basket, where your companion ticket will be automatically assigned to your own customer number.


11. To reassign the Disabled Companion ticket, click “Reassign”, where then on the next pop-up screen, scroll down and click “Select from your MyForest Network” where you can then select your Disabled Companion customer number

12. You can then scroll down and tick “I acknowledge these conditions”, and then click “Proceed to Checkout”

13. Supporters can then process their transaction, selecting the payment and fulfilment option of choice, before completing their purchase

Wheelchair User

If you are a wheelchair user supporter, you will see the below

14. You need to amend the “Wheelchair User Companion” number by pressing the plus icon, to the required number of Companion(s)

15. Once you have specified the number of tickets, click the Block you wish to purchase in

16. Click the wheelchair bay you would like to purchase, where you will then be given the pricing options, select the one relevant to you, where you can then click “Add” to select the seat and add it to your basket

17. Once you have clicked “Add”, the Disabled Companion seat(s) will show as available (denoted by the letter “C” in blue), as below:

18. Again, click one of these, where you will be given the pricing options, select the complimentary Disabled Companion price class, where you can then click “Add” to select the seat and add it to your basket

19. The tickets will then be added to your basket, where you must then click the icon in the top right

20. You will then see the tickets in your basket, where your companion ticket will be automatically assigned to your own customer number.


21. To reassign the Disabled Companion ticket, click “Reassign”, where then on the next pop-up screen, scroll down and click “Select from your MyForest Network” where you can then select your Disabled Companion customer number

22. You can then scroll down and tick “I acknowledge these conditions”, and then click “Proceed to Checkout”

23. Supporters can then process their transaction, selecting the payment and fulfilment option of choice, before completing their purchase




Where do I go to sign into my online account?
I’m struggling to sign into my online account, how can you help?
How can I register myself as disabled and be issued a Disabled Companion customer number?
Can anyone attend as my Disabled Companion?
The disabled supporter cannot attend the game, can the Disabled Companion Season Card / match ticket still be used?
I think I’m already registered as disabled with the Club, however I’m unsure, how can I check?
Does my Disabled Companion have an account?
Do I have to purchase online?
How do I purchase accessibility tickets online?
Can I only purchase for myself and my Disabled Companion online, or can I purchase for myself and others too?
My account isn’t registered disabled; however, I want to purchase for a disabled supporter (such as a child, family member, or a friend), how can I purchase online for them?
As a disabled supporter, can I add other disabled supporters Disabled Companion’s customer numbers to MyForest Network?
Are both ambulant seating and wheelchair spaces available to purchase online?
As a wheelchair user, can I purchase online for myself, my Disabled Companion, and other individuals?
If I purchase tickets online, yet have specific requirements, how do I make you aware of those requirements?