1. Visit https://www.eticketing.co.uk/nottinghamforest/, signing into your account by clicking the profile icon in the top right corner.
2. Sign into your account using your login details. After inputting your email address and password, click “Log In”
3. Once signed in, click the “Online Ticket Office” option at the top of the page, and then click “All Online Ticketing”
4. On the next page, click “Click Here” on the fixture you are eligible to purchase tickets for
Ambulant Disabled
(Wheelchair User guide – please scroll down)
If you are a non-wheelchair user supporter, you will see the below
5. You now need to specify the number of tickets you wish to purchase, which includes the Disabled Companion. This is done by clicking the plus icon next to “Number required”
6. Once you have specified the number of tickets, click the Block you wish to purchase in
7. Click the seats you would like to purchase, where you will then be given the pricing options, select the one relevant to you, where you can then click “Add” to select the seat and add it to your basket
8. You then need to select the seat next to it, once you click this, you will again be given the pricing options. For the complimentary Disabled Companion ticket, you can select “Disabled Companion”. You can then click “Add” to select the seat and add it to your basket
9. The tickets will then be added to your basket, where you must then click the white basket icon in the top right
10. You will then see the tickets in your basket, where your companion ticket will be automatically assigned to your own customer number.
11. To reassign the Disabled Companion ticket, click “Reassign”, where then on the next pop-up screen, scroll down and click “Select from your MyForest Network” where you can then select your Disabled Companion customer number
12. You can then scroll down and tick “I acknowledge these conditions”, and then click “Proceed to Checkout”
13. Supporters can then process their transaction, selecting the payment and fulfilment option of choice, before completing their purchase
Wheelchair User
If you are a wheelchair user supporter, you will see the below
14. You need to amend the “Wheelchair User Companion” number by pressing the plus icon, to the required number of Companion(s)
15. Once you have specified the number of tickets, click the Block you wish to purchase in
16. Click the wheelchair bay you would like to purchase, where you will then be given the pricing options, select the one relevant to you, where you can then click “Add” to select the seat and add it to your basket
17. Once you have clicked “Add”, the Disabled Companion seat(s) will show as available (denoted by the letter “C” in blue), as below:
18. Again, click one of these, where you will be given the pricing options, select the complimentary Disabled Companion price class, where you can then click “Add” to select the seat and add it to your basket
19. The tickets will then be added to your basket, where you must then click the icon in the top right
20. You will then see the tickets in your basket, where your companion ticket will be automatically assigned to your own customer number.
21. To reassign the Disabled Companion ticket, click “Reassign”, where then on the next pop-up screen, scroll down and click “Select from your MyForest Network” where you can then select your Disabled Companion customer number
22. You can then scroll down and tick “I acknowledge these conditions”, and then click “Proceed to Checkout”
23. Supporters can then process their transaction, selecting the payment and fulfilment option of choice, before completing their purchase
Where do I go to sign into my online account?
You can sign into your online account at tickets.nottinghamforest.co.uk.
I’m struggling to sign into my online account, how can you help?
If you are having difficulties signing in or are signed into an account where you cannot purchase tickets, please email tickets@nottinghamforest.co.uk or call us on 0115 982 4388 where assistance will then be provided.
How can I register myself as disabled and be issued a Disabled Companion customer number?
Disabled supporters that are in receipt of any of the below and have sent this information to accessibility@nottinghamforest.co.uk can register themselves as disabled and be issued a Disabled Companion customer number that will be linked to your MyForest Network:
- Proof of Entitlement of Higher Rate of Disability Living Allowance - Mobility or Care Component (DLA)
- Proof of entitlement of Enhanced Rate of Personal Independent Payment Mobility or Care Component (PIP)
- Proof of entitlement of Severe Disablement Allowance
- A copy of registration documents which certify Registered Blind or Registered Partially Sighted
- War Pension Certificate
- Nimbus Access Card
Can anyone attend as my Disabled Companion?
Yes, however please be advised that their sole responsibility when attending games as a Disabled Companion is the safety and welfare of the disabled individual. They can attend and watch the game, however they are there primarily to assist, so we would advise to bring individuals who will be able to assist fully. If you are believed to be unsuitable to attend as a disabled individuals Disabled Companion, then you may both be refused entry. Full T&Cs can be found here.
The disabled supporter cannot attend the game, can the Disabled Companion Season Card / match ticket still be used?
No. Any Disabled Companion Season Card or match ticket can only ever come into play should the disabled individual themselves be attending. If they are not, and the card or match ticket hasn’t been upgraded to another MyForest member, if the Club then finds a Disabled Companion Season Card or match ticket in use without the disabled individual being present, then the disabled individual as well as the individual with the Disabled Companion Season Card / match ticket will both receive the necessary reprimand for misuse of tickets. Full T&Cs can be found here.
I think I’m already registered as disabled with the Club, however I’m unsure, how can I check?
If you sign into your online account and you’re able to purchase seats with a Disabled Companion, ensuring to assign the Disabled Companion price class to your Disabled Companion customer number, then you’re registered. Alternatively, you can email accessibility@nottinghamforest.co.uk or call us on 0115 982 4388 where confirmation, login details etc will be provided if needed.
Does my Disabled Companion have an account?
If you are registered as disabled with the Club, then your Disabled Companion account should be linked to your own via your MyForest Network. If you believe it isn’t, please email accessibility@nottinghamforest.co.uk or call 0115 982 4388 for assistance.
Do I have to purchase online?
No, disabled supporters can still purchase over the phone on 0115 982 4388 should they wish to do so.
How do I purchase accessibility tickets online?
Please read the helpful walkthrough guide in this article. If you are still struggling, or require any further assistance at all, please email accessibility@nottinghamforest.co.uk or call 0115 982 4388.
Can I only purchase for myself and my Disabled Companion online, or can I purchase for myself and others too?
Disabled supporters can purchase online for themselves and their Disabled Companions whilst also purchasing for other disabled supporters and their Disabled Companions, as well as non-disabled supporters too, all in the same transaction. You will also need to ensure the relevant individuals are linked to your MyForest Network to be able to purchase for them, and you can find a full guide on how to do this here.
My account isn’t registered disabled; however, I want to purchase for a disabled supporter (such as a child, family member, or a friend), how can I purchase online for them?
This can be done via any individuals account, however the Disabled Companion customer number would need to be linked to the individual purchasing on behalf of the disabled supporter, so that then the Companion price class can then be assigned to the Disabled Companion customer number via the option to assign a ticket through the MyForest Network.
How can I link my Disabled Companion customer number to another individual that buys on my behalf?
Please email accessibility@nottinghamforest.co.uk or call 0115 982 4388, where assistance will be provided.
As a disabled supporter, can I add other disabled supporters Disabled Companion’s customer numbers to MyForest Network?
Yes, to enable you to purchase alongside other disabled supporters, please email accessibility@nottinghamforest.co.uk or call 0115 982 4388, where assistance will be provided.
Please be advised that unless you are registered with two Disabled Companions, only one complimentary Disabled Companion ticket can be purchased per disabled supporter. For example, even if you link another individuals Disabled Companion customer number to your MyForest Network, that does not mean you can then obtain two complimentary Disabled Companion tickets per one disabled supporter. Any supporter found to be abusing the complimentary Disabled Companion tickets will be reprimanded accordingly.
Are both ambulant seating and wheelchair spaces available to purchase online?
Yes, both ambulant disabled and wheelchair users can purchase online, subject to availability, with designated areas suitable for their requirements. For any further requirements, please email accessibility@nottinghamforest.co.uk or call 0115 982 4388, where assistance will be provided.
As a wheelchair user, can I purchase online for myself, my Disabled Companion, and other individuals?
Yes, providing you are all eligible to purchase tickets. For our home fixtures, we have wheelchair spaces available with seats directly behind the wheelchair bay, which you can then use for your Disabled Companion as well as purchase for others, ensuring you can attend together. For our away fixtures, the location of any non-wheelchair bay tickets purchased will be dependent on the layout of the relevant away end.
If I purchase tickets online, yet have specific requirements, how do I make you aware of those requirements?
Please email accessibility@nottinghamforest.co.uk or call 0115 9824 388 with any specific requirements, so that we can ensure this is logged, actioned and the relevant departments aware on the day.